The services provided by the Communication Coach include assessment, diagnosis, individual and group therapy, family and school training as well as educational support. Services are designed to meet the needs of each individual child and their family. Parents and Families are the central part of the service and are guided through best ways to support the child as part of the therapy.

Speech Production, Fluency, Articulation and Phonology Assessments and Intervention

Receptive (understanding) and Expressive Language assessment and therapy, Social Pragmatic Language (how language is used e.g. conversational skills), Auditory processing and listening skills, pre verbal development and play skills.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Some children and adults use other ways to help them communicate alongside speech or instead of speech. Research has shown that these various ways e.g. using pictures, signs or devices actually promote verbal speech rather than prevent it. We look at what features you may need in a system and find the best system to match your needs.

Education & Training
Training and Professional Development in the areas of Gestalt Language Processing, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Communication training, and specific school training related to your child’s needs can be provided.